Measure and Means are senior of the gods, and help from Zeus comes prompt, nor waits to do up shoes. Let no man seek to fly to heaven, possess in love fair Aphrodite, or the queen of gods, or some delicious nymph; but the sweet-eyed Graces of music may go in to the hall of Zeus.
Fortunate is he who in good heart plaits up his day sans tears.
For the team must turn with the trace-horse, and the helmsman rules the ship.
and with crippling longing, her glance more melting than sleep or death; hers is a potent sweetness.
[seven] pg. 34
Ah, would that I could be a kingfisher, flying sea-blue, fearless, among you halcyons down to rest on the foaming brine!
And all the young girls among us speak highly of the man that plays the lyre.
It's not the goddess of love, just wild Cupid playing his boyish games, alighting on the petals - please don't touch! - of my galingale garland.
Cupid once more by the goddess's grace, trickles down in his sweetness, warming my heart.
Such is the offering of pleasant Muses made manifest by Megalostrata the flaxen-haired, a girl for girls to envy.
And the girls all say, "Father Zeus, I wish he could be my husband!"
The girls, having prayed to the fair-flowing river for lovely fulfillment of marriage and the supreme experience that men and women know, the bridal bed.
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