
[The story of the vixen and the eagle who made friends. The eagle eventually stabbed his friend in the back by feeding the vixen's babies to his own. And the food that was stolen from the altar, although it seemed like a good thing, had fire still in it which set his nest on fire.]

[The story of the monkey and the fox. The fox finds a human trap baited with food and then comes across the monkey who went out on his own from the other animals, and the fox appeals to the monkey's vainity claiming that only he deserves the food, and leads the monkey to the food, and the monkey gets caught in the trap and the fox can safely access the food. When the monkey pleads for help the fox responds that the monkey was arrogant because of his colored butt.]

Such was the lust for sex that, worming in under my heart, quite blinded me and robbed me of my young wits. 191

I'm overcome by crippling desire... If you can't wait and your desire is urgent... the love-goddess offers young men a range of joys besides the sacrament, and one of them will serve... I'll do it all just as you say... Now as for Neoboule, someone else have her. Dear me, she's past ripe, twice your age; her girlhood's flower has shed its petals, lost all the enchantment it had. She never got enough...crazy woman. I pray no friend of mine would have me marry somebody like her and give all the neighbors a laugh. No, you're the one I want. You're not untrustworthy, you're not two-faced, but she's so precipitate, she makes friends with crowds of men. 196a

She was a cheater - water in one hand fire in the other. 184

The fox knows lots of tricks, the hedgehog only one - but it's a winner. 201

the son of Pisistratus brought back these connoisseurs of lyre and pipe to Thasos, with a cargo of pure gold for bribing Thracian dogs. But then for sake of private gain they did a public harm. 93

[seven pg. 8] 101

It's true what they say: the god of war's impartial toward men. 110

And encourage the younger men; but victory is under the god's control. 111

There is no single kind of human nature, but different things warm different people's hearts. 25

you drank my wine in quantity and strength and brought no contribution ... and you didn't wait to be invited, like a friend; your belly lead your wits astry to shamelessness... 124

So I did wrong. I daresay others have been caught the same. 127

Heart, my heart, with helpless, sightless troubles now confounded, up, withstand the enemy, opposing breast to breast. All around they lie in wait, but stand you firmly grounded, not over-proud in victory, nor in defeat oppressed. In your rejoicing let your joy, in hardship your despairs be tempered: understand the pattern shaping men's affairs. 128

For now, my heart, your friends let you go hang. 129

It all depends upon the gods. Often enough, when men are prostrate on the ground with woe, they set them up again; and often enough, when men are standing proud and all seems bright, they tip them over on their backs, and then they're in a plight - a man goes wandering, short of bread, out of his mind with fright. 130

Mortals have moods that vary, Glaucus, son of Leptines, according to the kind of day that Father Zeus decrees; their attitudes are governed by whatever each one sees. 131-132

No one hear enjoys respect or reputation once he's dead: in this city we the living tend to cultivate instead the living's favor. Once you die, you get the worst of everything. 133

Not even Heracles beat two at once. 259

We often see how wealth that was built up by much hard work all drains away into a harlot's gut. 302

Even when gods are well-disposed, one can't please them in everything.

we too shall need some drink to get us through this watch. 4

Some Saian sports my splendid shield: I had to leave it in a wood, but saved my skin. Well, I don't care - I'll get another just as good. 5

Aisimides, if you mind what other folk will say, you'll never have a lovely time. 14

Glaucus, an auxiliary's a buddy for just so long as he's prepared to fight. 15

It's luck and destiny, Pericles, that bring whatever a man gets... 16

Everything comes to men through work and human effort... 17

It would have been less hard, if we had had his head, his fair limbs to wrap up in white for the holy fire to operate upon... Well, wine will help... For tears won't heal my wound; if I attend feasts and diversions, they won't make it worse. 9 and 11

But then, my friend, the gods for ills past healing have set endurance as the antidote. This woe is different men's at different times: now it has come our way, and we bemoan our bleeding wound; another day 'twill pass to others. Come then, everyone endure, spend no more time in womanish lament. 13

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