
Take notes from Plato's Greater and Lesser

pg. 119 defined the end of life (telos) as self-sufficiency. - Suda S.V. Hippias=86AI

pg. 121 You men who are present, I think that you are all related and kinsman and fellow citizens by nature, not by convention For like is related to like by nature, while convention,being a tyrant over men,forces many things on us which go beyond our nature.So it is shameful for us to know the nature of things (being wisest amongst the Greeks, and having gathered together for this very reason at the central assembly itself of Greek wisdom and here, at the greatest and most blessed house within this city) and yet, like the most vulgar of men, to quarrel with each other. - Plato's Protagoras 337C-E

pg. 128 Of these things some may have been said by Orpheus, some by Musaeus briefly in various places,some by Hesiod and Homer, some by other poets,others in prose works of Greek and non-Greek writers; but by putting together the most significant and kindred items,I shall compose a discourse which is both new and varied. - Clement of Alexandria, Stromateis VI 15

pg. 131 Hippias says that there are two kinds of envy- the just, when one envies or begrudges bad men their honors, and the unjust, when one envies the good. And envious persons suffer twice as much as those who are not, since they resent not only their own troubles, like others, but also other mens' prosperity. - Plutarch, Fragments 155 Sandbach=B16

pg. 131 Hippias says that slander (which he calls diabolia) is a dreadful thing, because there is no penalty described in the laws for slanderers as there is for thieves. Yet they steal the best of possessions, friendship, so that violence (hybris), damaging though it is, is more honest than slander, because it is not underhand. - Stobaeus, Anthology III 42, 10 = Plutarch, Pragments 156 Sandbach = B17

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