Robert Nozick
Good definition of reflexive in Nozick pg 75
Nozick says his drive in philosophical inquiry is the search for whether humans are valuable or precious. Towards this end he can attack arguments against this conclusion or continue to try to find a route to something almost as good as that those other arguments are dismissed. He believes that all philosophers control their conclusions but he doesn’t think this devalues the philosophical inquiry because the process might be valuable in itself and the general aim does not determine the precise conclusion reached, and that reaching a conclusion is not guaranteed, and there is value in discovering we can reach it. He suggests establishing independent and separate philosophical insights and later unifying them with general principles or themes rather than the old axiomatic process which all later structure depends on. Pg 4 is funny and is about philosophical coercion about proofs and why they are ineffectual and whether or not they even lead us to truth. He thinks that people using this method are not just pointing out connections among statements but compelling belief in a particular one.
Proof and explanation pg. 14 Nozick. Meaning – the words fail to communicate.
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