Anonymous Greek Party Songs
Oh, if only one could examine each man’s nature, open his chest to check his feelings; then you’d close it back up again, then truly acknowledge him friend with an open heart. 889
Health’s the finest of all things for a mortal; second-best is to be attractive-looking; and the third-best’s wealth, honest-john wealth; fourth-best’s enjoying life’s prime with your favorite pals. 890
Now this is what the crab said as the snake in his claw he caught: ‘A friend should be straightforward, and think no devious thought.’ 892
[Isle of Blessed - Sun and Moon?] pg. 178
The old sow's got a nice acorn, but has her heart set on another; and I’ve got one pretty girl, but have my heart set on another. 904
He who betrays not his friend wins great esteem among both mortals and gods, as I opine. 908
I'm plenty rich, I’ve got my spear, my sword, my lovely oxhide to protect my skin. With this I sow, with this I reap, with this I tread the sweet wine from the grapes, with this I’m titled master of the serfs. And those not bold enough for spear, for sword, for lovely oxhide to protect their skins, why, they all cower at my knees, prostrate themselves… addressing me as master and great king. 909
You cannot play the fox or be friends with both sides. 912(a)
A mortal man needs little – only love and fodder; but you’re really miserly. 913
Never will I accept prestige as the reward of dishonest gain. 961
The highest state of man is to enjoy what’s fine, and have the means. 986
I hate to drink with anyone inclined to remember things. 1002
And what she approves with even a nod of her brows must submit to the dispensation of powerful necessity. 1017
Grind, mill, grind: even Pittacus used to grind, the ruler of great Mytilene. 869